Thursday, May 26, 2011

Trying to Find a Routine

The last few days have been going just fine.  We have been trying to get used to life at home with Miss Abby.  Just about everything revolves around feeding every three hours.  We are trying to find a steady routine.  Abby is our first child so we are finding out about the joys of sleeplessness and exhaustion.  We both would trade sleeplessness for hospital vigils any day of the week.

Yesterday we got our first dose of traveling with a feeding schedule.  Abigail had an appointment with her pediatrician, then we headed to my mom's retirement party to celebrate.  My mom is retiring from teaching and many people came out to show their appreciation.

Grandmother Jane and Abigail

It was pretty crazy trying to manage the carseat, diaper bag and the backpack that carries her feeding pump/formula.  We learned the first lesson the hard way, gravity is key with the feeding pump.  We will get the hang of it soon I hope.

So far, we are managing well at home and haven't had too many mishaps. Today we added another bit of crazy to the mix. Cooper, our five year old German Shorthaired Pointer, came back home to a big surprise.  He is probably not that thrilled with his new sidekick right now but hopefully he will warm up to her soon.  He already started barking at me when I was trying to console her by rocking her in my arms.  He's a bit high-strung to say the least.
Cooper's first time to meet Abigail

Get used to it man!
We did take a few minutes yesterday to get her all cleaned up with a sponge bath and she didn't mind too much.

Tonight Stephanie went back to work from maternity leave.  She will be missed at home but she has to get back to taking care of other kiddos now. That's all for tonight, take care.


Debbie said...

Cooper looks so cute lookng at Abigail---like "what is this?" I am just so happy things are going well. Yep, no sleep is part of it. You have to grab it when you can. Abigail looks so darling. Aunt Debbie

Kandice said...

Looks like it's going well! I also love the look Cooper has- you just know the wheels are turnin'. :) she looks great, so glad she's home!

Laura said...

We have a GSP too! That 1st picture of him looking at Abigail looks just like our Boone because it's just Cooper's head. Boone is completely liver colored except for a strip down his chest of white with liver speckles. They are such beautiful dogs, and ours has been so good with our kids and other people's kids. We got him when Drew was about 9 months old and Drew has climbed all over that dog. Poor Boone just lays there and takes it! Glad you guys are settling in and getting used to having Abigail home!

Chrisann said...

Congrats to Jane!! What an incredible impact she has had through the years. Praying for you guys as you adjust to taking care of Abigail at home. She is adorable and I know you guys are so happy to have her home. Love the pictures of your dog :-) Take good care!